Aggieland Pets With A Purpose was founded in March 2002 after realizing there was a need in our community for animal assisted therapy.
We visit many different facilities in the community such as schools, nursing homes, hospitals, hospice facilities, etc. If you see us somewhere, come say hello!
How can I join?
Please refer to Get Involved.
Can I join without a therapy animal?
Yes! We have some members who are specifically handlers who work with another member’s pet.
This doesn’t mean that you just pick a pet – you will need to test to demonstrate proficient with that particular animal and the owner must consent.
What kinds of animals can join?
About 90% of our therapy animals are dogs.
Currently, we have dogs, cats, horses, and rabbits. If you have an animal of a different species and are interested, contact us at
Can children join?
We do have members who are minors, but they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at events.
The parent or guardian must also be a member of APWAP.
Where/Who do you visit?
Our visits are scheduled and by invitation; we are guests of local facilities.
Most of our visits occur during business hours; weekend and night visits are very rare.
How much does it cost to join?
Our fee schedule is as follows:
Renewal: $30 (plus $7.50 per child) plus $5 for each additional pet. Family renewal rate: $60 plus $15 for each child.
New: $30
Renewal: $15/year + $5 for each additional pet.
We may ask for verification of enrollment.
$10 per animal for current members/families.
What’s the difference between a therapy animal and ESA/service animal/etc.?
Therapy animals are trained to specifically enter a facility and provide comfort to people. Therapy animals are not Emotional Support Animals (ESA) or service animals.
Therapy animals do not enjoy any special privileges. When we visit a facility, we are there as guests. Therapy animals are not allowed access to any area where animals are not normally welcome.
How many therapy animals can I have?
We do not currently have a limit on the number of animals a volunteer can have in the organization, but be advised that you can only volunteer with a single animal at a time. Each animal will need to pass the APWAP certification test.
TL;DR: one person per animal when volunteering.
I want to train my dog (or other animal). Where should I get them trained?
We don’t make any specific recommendations as to where or how to train your animal. Some members train their pets themselves; others use training programs at Petco, Petsmart, Puppy Love, Waggie Pet Zone, etc.
It’s important to remember that our animals are just half of the “team” when conducting visits. The human needs to be on board as well.
We do not advocate any violent or harmful methods and evidence of pet abuse is grounds for banning from the organization.
Does my dog need to have Canine Good Citizen (CGC) or any other specific requirements?
We do not require any specific certifications. Many of our volunteer animals do hold extra accolades and distinctions, such as Canine Good Citizen (or CGC Urban), AKC Therapy Dog, etc.
Some of our animals may also serve in a dual capacity as a service animal to their handler.
Animal Requirements
To be a Therapy animal, your pet must:
- Be at least one year old.
- Enjoy and seek interaction with people yet be polite enough to give people their space.
- Be generally non-aggressive towards people and other animals.
- Tolerate accidental pulling of fur, ears, tail.
- Not be too startled by sudden loud noises such as banging equipment or shouting.
- Know basic obedience commands.
- Be bathed and thoroughly brushed within 24 hrs. prior to visiting.
- Follow the vaccination and veterinary care rules made by APWAP.
- Pass the APWAP Temperament Test.
Temperament Tests
Temperament testing is done at least once each quarter. Those wanting to test an animal must first complete two visits without their animal to observe how APWAP visits are conducted.